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Why did I create this ?

I am a United States citizen, born in New York to an Italian immigrant mother and a second generation Italian father. My grandfather served in the Navy in World War II. I always took democracy for granted. I never thought I’d see the day when democracy in America is being challenged to the extent it is today, and it makes me sad and frustrated. I truly believe that as a fellow American you should live the life you want to live, as long as it does not interfere with someone else living their life the way they want to. I truly believe that our diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and points of view is our greatest strength. It is the idea of America that makes it so powerful. Our democracy is not perfect by any stretch, but we must not give away our power as a people to a cult of personality, to a deeply damaged man, and to a party that does not care anything about you, the Constitution, or democracy. And don’t be ashamed of admitting you were wrong about your choice in 2016 and/or 2020. You had your reasons, but now is the time to examine your motivations and (hopefully) change your mind. Our democracy is worth the hard work.

Warren Croce